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  • Advanced Facebook Ads Tactics 2024 | How to Target, Optimize & Maximize Ad Campaign Performance!????

Let me tell you, I’ve been there – pouring money into Facebook ads and watching it disappear with barely any results to show for it.

But listen, if you’re as fed up as I was with flushing your budget down the drain, I’ve got some game-changing tips for you.

I’ve done the hard yards, figuring out the advanced tricks that actually work, and I’m going to spill all the beans. Trust me, once you get a handle on these strategies, you’ll kiss those days of crappy ad performance goodbye.

No more banging your head against the wall wondering why your campaigns are flopping – we’re talking real leads and sales here.

So buckle up, because I’m about to show you how to turn those ads into conversion machines!

Understanding Your Ads Objective

The first thing you need to grasp is the importance of your ads objective. Your objective determines what you’ll achieve with your ads. Facebook’s algorithm categorizes people based on actions they take both on and off Facebook, so selecting the right objective is critical.

Types of Objectives

  • Awareness
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • Leads
  • App Promotions
  • Sales

Many advertisers mistakenly choose the traffic objective when they really want sales. This will not yield the desired results because Facebook will target people who are likely to click links, not necessarily buy. If you want sales, select the sales objective. If you want leads, choose the leads objective.

Campaign Structure

Next, let’s talk about campaign structure. A solid structure is crucial to get the best out of your ad spend.

Cold and Warm Audiences

I love to have one campaign for my cold audience and one for my warm audience. Here’s what this looks like:

Cold Campaign

  • General Interest: For example, if you’re selling a digital marketing program, target digital marketing-related interests.

Warm Campaign

  • Lookalike Audience: Target people similar to your custom audience.
  • Advantage Plus: Use Facebook’s default Advantage Plus audience for the best results.

Audience Size Matters

Avoid overly narrow audiences. A super small audience (e.g., 10,000-20,000 people) will make your ads unnecessarily expensive. It’s better to target a larger geographical area and use your ad copy and creative to narrow down your audience.

Pro Tip: Instead of overly narrowing down your audience, call out your target audience in the ad copy. For example, use “Attention Mainland Residents!” if you’re targeting a specific region.

Testing and Optimizing

Testing is key to successful Facebook ads. Set up multiple ad sets within a campaign to test different audiences and creatives.

Example Campaign Structure

This is how a well-tested campaign might look:

Campaign: Digital Marketing SalesAd Set 1: General Interest 1Ad Set 2: General Interest 2Ad Set 3: Lookalike AudienceAd Set 4: Advantage Plus

Refreshing Ads

Ads will eventually stop working, which is normal. Refresh your creatives regularly.

  • Videos: Change the first 3-5 seconds.
  • Images: Completely redesign or change the ad copy.

Creative and Ad Copy

Creative and ad copy are critical to filtering the right people. Your landing page should also align with your ads to ensure a smooth user journey.

Example: If your service is only available on the mainland, mention that clearly in the first paragraph of your landing page.

Analyzing Performance

Key metrics to monitor:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Frequency
  • Cost Per Result


Frequency refers to how often a single person sees your ad. If your frequency is high and performance drops, it’s time to change the creative or duplicate the ad set to target a different segment.

Example Metric Analysis

Frequency of 2.57 means each person has seen the ad 2.57 times. If the ad’s performance declines, refresh the creative or duplicate the ad set to find a new audience pocket.

Scaling Your Campaigns

Avoid making abrupt changes to a campaign that’s performing well. A slow and steady approach works best.

  • Increase Budget Gradually: Between 10%-20% every 24-48 hours to give Facebook’s algorithm time to adjust.
  • Duplicate Campaigns: Create a duplicate and make the necessary changes. Compare performance and keep the better performer.

Tracking and Reporting

Tracking is essential for measuring success. Use the Facebook Pixel for online conversions and set up offline conversion tracking for offline sales. Always liaise with clients to understand which ad sets bring in better quality leads, even if they are more expensive.

Quote: “You might have two ad sets—one bringing leads at $5 per lead and another at $7 per lead. The $7 per lead set might be bringing in higher quality leads.”

Additional Resources

To dive deeper into audience and interest targeting, I’ve created a short course specifically on this topic. It walks you through the exact systems I use to come up with new interests and scale campaigns effectively.

Check out the Interest Targeting Course

By understanding these advanced strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to target the right audience, optimize performance, and maximize your return on investment. Remember, the key to successful ad campaigns is a mixture of the right objective, structured testing, regular optimization, and precise tracking. Until next time, happy advertising!

Oyekunle Damola

About the author

Damola is a Digital Marketing Consultant who teaches people how to use Digital Marketing channels to grow their business online.

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