If you want to supercharge the results you get from Facebook and Instagram Ads, I have good news for you.
Get Your Ads To Work For You With Proven, Tested Techniques & Easy-to-Follow Formulas For Creating Winning Interest Targeting!
Laser-Focused Targeting That Zeros In On Your Best Buyers & Turns Them Into Leads and Sales!
Finally, The Truth About Audience Interests
Dear Friend,
If you are a business owner or a 9-5fer/Freelancer who wants to use (or uses) Facebook/Instagram Ads to generate leads and sales, this letter is for you.
When it comes to Facebook and Instagram Ads,
A lot has changed.
And at the same time, very little has changed.
A lot has changed because what used to work in the past no longer works.
You know the frustration. You spend hours crafting the perfect ad, only to create it and no one buys your product/service.
Or some people buy and then your leads/sales dry up in a couple of weeks or even days.
The age of setting up any campaign on Facebook and seeing money pour in is long gone.
Ads are way more expensive now.
The economy is experiencing a downturn.
But you know what has not changed?
People are still running ads successfully.

And Even More People Keep Buying Things Online!
Even with the current economic conditions we find ourselves in, this market is poised for even MORE growth… and it’s wide open for YOU to profit.

Hey, it's Damola Oyekunle
I am a Digital Marketing Consultant and a Facebook Ads Expert.
I'm the guy that well-known marketing experts come to when they need help getting their offers to convert.
I’ve been running ads for the last 8 years and have made hundreds of millions of naira for my clients and myself across multiple industries, often with nothing but my laptop and the grey matter between my ears.
My methods have helped create a 9-figure brand and multiple 8-figure brands.
Today, I mentor and coach business, coaches, and experts on how to grow their businesses with Digital Marketing and create the life of their dream.
And I’m here to give you the keys to
Facebook Ads
(P.S. When I say Facebook Ads, I mean Facebook and Instagram Ads)

It’s such an insanely profitable vehicle for generating sales online that I have used it exclusively for some of my clients with very huge paydays.
After spending 8 years running ads, you might be wondering why I still run ads even though some people swear it’s almost impossible to make sales using Facebook Ads today
The answer is simple...
HUGE Profits and ENORMOUS Potential
Before you let any preconceived notions about Facebook Ads dissuade you from investing in it, allow me a few minutes to share…
According to an article published by Statista on June 28, 2023, Facebook active users in Nigeria numbered almost 41.6 million by May 2023 with more people joining every day.
That’s just Facebook Alone.
You have a huge opportunity to reach these people and start generating more leads and sales for your business.
This is bad news for people who are stuck selling offline and unwilling to embrace the digital world…but good news for anyone smart enough to invest in Facebook Ads right now.
But should come as extremely good news for you…if you have the vision to start running Facebook Ads NOW
You don’t want to look back with regret after many of your friends and colleagues have already gotten richer than Solomon because they had the foresight to jump on this opportunity NOW.
With the right guidance, you can scale your business or your client’s business from a one-person operation to a multi-million naira per month gorilla that supports you and your family in luxury for the rest of your lives with Facebook Ads.
So I thought to myself, what is the most misunderstood part of Facebook Ads that prevents people from scaling their ads or even running profitable ads?
I realized it was TARGETING.
I mean, people even pay to have audiences created for them, and more than half of them either don’t work at all or fail after a couple of weeks!
This is a problem I’ve seen customers like you repeat time and time again.
So, I’ve created a brand-new product to help you overcome this obstacle to generating more leads and sales from your ads.
It’s called:

Audience Targeting Blueprint

After over 8 years of running ads, making hundreds of millions for myself and my clients, I’m finally spilling the beans on my hard-won secrets to success with Facebook Ads.
Here’s what you will be getting in my Audience Targeting Blueprint.
and so much more...
I also added some mouth-watering BONUSES that would completely take your Ads game from Zero to Hero

In fact, I absolutely guarantee that my Audience Targeting Blueprint will make a positive bottom-line impact on all your Ads right from the get-go that I'm giving you a risk-free guarantee…

You Get a No-Risk, 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Try my Audience Targeting Blueprint for the next 30 days. If after you put my proven Blueprint to the test and try it for one full month, you think it won't bring you at least THREE TIMES WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT, simply email me damola[@]oyekunledamola.com, for a complete, no-hassle refund.
That’s a rock-solid guarantee you can count on.
And it just shows you how confident I am that I really can help you!
But you really don’t need to take my word for it.
Here's What Some of Nigeria's Top Marketers Say About Me:
Listen, I had ZERO help when I first started running Facebook Ads. So these are lessons I had to learn the hard way.
And it cost me a small fortune.
That’s why I decided to do this course. I don’t want you to struggle or suffer like I did.
You would no longer have to pay ANYONE to set up targeting for you!
And guess what?
That’s not all I’m revealing in my Audience Targeting Blueprint.
You’ll also discover…
I have only ever taught these things to my private coaching students!

When I first started running ads, it was painful and depressing because I kept losing money over and over, right up until the first time I finally broke even selling some products and services.
But the big money did not start rolling in until I realized what I holding me back from creating successful + profitable ads was how I was setting my target audience. As soon as I figured it out…
I saw 5X Increase in Sales…
Almost Overnight!
And I have not looked back ever since.
I started getting results like these for myself and my clients

I’ve learnt a lot about Facebook Ads…by being in the trenches and DOING it… and making a LOT of mistakes.
And I’ve got a whole gaggle of lessons, tips and secrets in my bag of tricks to prevent YOU from struggling and losing a small fortune like I did when starting out.
Things like...
As you can see, I’ve got a lot I’m going to share with you. I want to get you through the learning curve as quickly as possible and on the road to the life of your dreams.
This is information I’ve invested MILLIONS of naira and 8 years of my life to acquire. It’s invaluable… and therefore, extremely hard for me to put a price on it.
I could charge N500,000 for this blueprint and it would be worth every naira… because you could realistically expect at least 10X ROI within the first 12 months.
Incidentally, you could pay someone to help you set up ads targeting for you and it would set you back about N50,000 on average… and you’d be lucky if you actually make x3 of that in the next 3 months (for reasons I explain in the course)
And your income will be extremely restricted compared to what you can make with the Audience Targeting Blueprint I will show you how to set up.
But at N500,000, this blueprint would only be accessible to a few people.
And I have a much grander vision.
You see, I want this blueprint to be accessible to people like me back then when I started out and could not seem to make Facebook Ads work for me.
That’s why I’m going to make you a highly unusual offer:
I’m going to let you enrol in the Audience Targeting Blueprint for
Look at the type of results I've gotten for myself and my clients using the techniques I outlined in this blueprint!

Why so cheap?
I want to take away all your excuses for not getting started using Facebook Ads to bring yourself financial independence and all kinds of other amazing rewards you may not even be capable of imagining right now. (Trust me… It’s even BETTER than you can probably imagine.)
So, N15,999 gets you right into the door.
If you don’t agree that I’ve provided a proven blueprint for conquering Facebook Audience Targeting, simply send an email to me at damola@oyekunledamola.com and I will refund your payment instantly. |
You stand to lose nothing but gain EVERYTHING.
I can’t make it any more risk-free than that!
Here’s what you need to do right now…
Click the orange button below to enrol in my course.
As soon as your payment is processed, you will get immediate access to my Audience Targeting Blueprint.
All the best,
Oyekunle Damola
P.S. If you have ever struggled with Facebook or Instagram Ads, NOW is the time to start seriously using them.
Fortunes are being made by people no smarter and no more ambitious than you. When are you going to decide it’s your turn to soar?
Click the orange button below to enrol today for just N15,999
You Get a No-Risk, 30-day Money-Back guarantee.
Try My Audience Targeting Blueprint for the next 30 days.
If after you put my proven Blueprint to the test and try it for one full month, you think it won't bring you at least THREE TIMES WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT, simply email me damola[@]oyekunledamola.com, for a complete, no-hassle refund.
As you can probably tell, with everything I've packed into the Audience Targeting Blueprint is a true bargain.
And with a guarantee like this, You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – and substantial sales and profits to gain
If you are really serious about taking your Facebook Ads to the next level, you can’t wait. You need to take immediate action.
The entire Audience Targeting Blueprint is a paltry N15,999.
It’s super easy to get started.
Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible chance to change the way your Facebook Ads results are turning out?
Take action now, while it’s fresh on your mind. “Audience Targeting Blueprint” will give you the powerful cash-generating skills you need to make sure your Facebook Ads and your business is a total success!
Don’t put this off…you’re worth it!
Order your copy of “Audience Targeting Blueprint” right now. That way you can get on a fast track to increasing your Internet sales and profits right away.
P.P.S. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, “Audience Targeting Blueprint” gives you a powerful arsenal of tools for improving the results you get with your ads. You get everything you need to start generating winning interests for your ad campaigns.
A little more information about me
Hey, I'm Oyekunle Damola and I'm a Digital Marketing Consultant.
Here’s more about me and why I'm qualified to teach you how to take your business to the next level with Facebook Ads.
My blueprint goes beyond Facebook's basic options, teaching you how to uncover hidden, highly profitable interests that your competitors aren't using.
Absolutely. The blueprint includes case studies from multiple industries and teaches techniques applicable to any niche.
While results can vary, most of my students see improvements in their ad performance within the first week of implementing these targeting strategies.