Ready to start getting consistent leads and sales in your business but don't know where to start? 

Get the exact step-by-step blueprint I’ve used to get my clients and I hundreds of millions in the last 8 years…

Let me tell you a personal story of how I went from having a 9 - 5 job to being a full time digital marketing consultant.

It was March 2018… I was still recovering from my 4th spine surgery and was in a whole lot of debt. I had to pay part of the debt incurred from my hospital bills and my upcoming house rent.

At some point, I was at my wits end. Completely frustrated, always in pain and not knowing where to turn to.

I had tried applying for foreign jobs but could make no headway due to my nationality. I tried applying for some jobs locally but ended up turning them down because my surgery scars had barely healed, I could not sit down and they did not want staffs working remotely.

I really needed to clear the hospital debts because I did not want my retired parents to start searching for money again. Everyone was tapped out from the multiple surgeries…

I decided something HAD to change. I took the very skills I already had and built a website advertising my leads and sales acquisition system. I pulled together all the results I had gotten for people I had worked with over the years and started posting them. Before long, I started getting offers from companies to replicate this system for their business. I went on to make hundreds of millions for my clients in over a year and transitioned fully into consultancy.

Imagine having the skill to generate income for your business or your client.

Imagine being able to single-handedly turn your business around and start generating leads and sales on autopilot…

Imagine having the exact blueprint I used to get my clients millions every month in the palm of your hand…

That is the system I would be sharing with you today!

What if I told you you could generate at least N1 million per month for your business, even in these uncertain times?

Before you exclaim, “that’s impossible!”, it is...

Passively done 8 figures since the launch of my own Digital products in less than 2 years

One major reason businesses fail is because they are not really in touch with their customers. These days, you see ads everywhere screaming BUY BUY BUY.

Through my unique paid traffic system, I discovered how you can stand above the noise and reach your target audience and get them primed and ready to buy from you.

It took me years to refine this system and months to create a step-by-step process on how others can implement it for their clients and businesses, but I finally did it.

My secret? I discovered how to automate relationship building with your customer that would turn your business into a continuous money-making machine with Facebook and Instagram Ads.

I can teach you how to use this exact system, just as I have helped my clients and my students.

Check out some of my results and client's results:

Different clients, different results!

Imagine how your life would change if you can get these same results for yourself or your clients..

You will be able to
  • Constantly generate high quality leads for your business or client at the click of a button
  • Launch profitable campaigns that instantly generate tons of revenue for your business
  • Sell out your inventory by reaching precise targeted customers at the right time, in the right place
  • Grow a list of super active leads, buyers and even repeat buyers that are always ready to buy anything you recommend to them, including your product!
You will no longer have to
  • Hope and pray customers find you and purchase your product
  • Stare at the Facebook Ads dashboard wondering why people are not buying your products
  • Get leads from Facebook or Instagram  that don’t convert into customers
  • Suffer the gut-wrenching indignity of an empty bank account

My clients and students have been able to break that barrier and make millions online… I’m here to tell you it is 100% possible!

Introducing my Ads Coaching Program

 Facebook Ads Accelerator: The ONLY Step-By-Step & Proven Method That Gives You Complete Command Of Facebook & Instagram Ads

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Enroll Today


Module 1 - Introduction to Paid Traffic

The truth about Paid Traffic - What it is, why you need it for your business and a brief introduction on how to apply it to your business. You will learn why this course is different from most of the courses out there and my personal methodology to getting consistent results for my clients.


Module 2 – The Paid Traffic System

In this module, we will cover how my paid traffic system works, how you can use this system for ALL TYPES of traffic (both organic and paid), how you can target the right customer with the right message at the right time when they will be most willing to buy your product. Best part? I would also teach you how to automate the whole process. It is one of the most important modules in the program. Someone took the knowledge from this module and made sales in a day. It is that powerful!.


Module 3 – Facebook Ads Platform

An in-depth walkthrough of the Facebook Ads platform and how to use it. I also covered everything from why you need a business manager account to scaling your Facebook Ads successfully (This lesson can easily make or break your campaign. It is the difference between spending $5 per day profitably and spending $100 per day profitably). You would also get behind the scene of how to set up your Facebook Ads reporting dashboard so you can easily see the important KPIs that matter to you and how to scale your ads. You would be able to see at a glance what campaign is working and what isn’t so you can kill under-performing ads without losing money. Everything you need to know about setting up a new campaign is right here.


Module 4 – Ad Auction, Delivery and Bidding

Ever wondered how the Facebook Ads algorithm works? Ever tried to figure out how Facebook decides who sees what content and when? Your answers are right here. I went in-depth into Facebook’s algorithm, how it works, Facebook ad action system, delivery, total relevance score and so much more. This module is super important because it teaches you how you can get Facebook to work for you by avoiding the pitfalls other marketers are walking into.


Module 5 – Facebook Pixel (Facebook Ads on Steroids)

In this module, I would teach you how to set up the Facebook pixel and how it is the key to getting the most amazing results in Facebook Ads. You would get a detailed walkthrough on how to set it up and customize it for success. I would also show you my special tactic for turning Facebook Ads into a money-making machine with just a slight tweak of the Facebook pixel. A customized Facebook pixel is the most powerful weapon in your Facebook Ads arsenal! One word - RETARGETING!


Module 6 – Your Creative

Your creative is one of the things that can make or break your ad. In this module, I would show you the different creatives you can use on Facebook & Instagram and how to structure them for highest profitability. You would also learn how your creative can hurt your results and how to avoid getting banned by Facebook for the wrong use of words.


Module 7: Audience Targeting

There are two things that can make or break your Facebook Ads campaign. In this module, I went in depth into the 3 types of audience you can create on Facebook (The third one is a game changer) and all the targeting techniques I use for my clients and teach my students. Forget all those big courses that take months to get through.  Even if you’re a brand new beginner, you can follow these strategies to scale your ad with profitable targeting techniques. I even added a targeting technique that works without fail for businesses with physical locations!


Module 8 – Troubleshooting your campaign

Having issues with your campaign? Your ads not making any money at all? Ads were working perfectly and suddenly stopped working? I’ve got all the answers! My troubleshooting framework walks you through a step-by-step process of figuring out what is wrong with your campaign and how to fix it! Everything is spelt out for you in easy-to-understand steps so you can always come back to the module every time you need to troubleshoot your ads. I’ve gotcha!


Module 9 – Ads Optimization

What happens after your ads have started running and are profitable? How do you make it better? What tweaks can help you reduce the cost of acquiring a single customer? How can you scale your ads to spend more while still being profitable? All the answers to these and so much more are in this juicy module. I would show you how to figure out which ads need to be optimized, the exact things you need optimized and how to optimize them. You are not just getting theoretical knowledge. I would actually walk you through a live campaign and show you how to optimize!


Module 9.5 – Scaling

You'll get access to my Scaling master class that teaches you every single scaling method you need to know, how to prevent your revenue from dropping drastically when scaling, what to do when your ads keep declining while trying to scale and more!


Module 10 - Ecommerce

Discover the powerful Ecommerce Module that unveils the step-by-step process I've used  for generating hundreds of millions in revenue for clients. You'll learn how to grow your business with top-notch strategies, smart pixel integration, and dynamic product ads. You'll also learn advanced retargeting funnels, proven creative examples, and comprehensive email templates designed to win customers and encourage repeat business and so much more!


Module 11 - Real Estate Ads

Enjoy my recently added Real Estate Ads masterclass where I will teach you how to run successful Facebook & Instagram Ads for your real estate business. You would learn ads strategies, audience insights, how to avoid being banned for running real estate ads and more. You can completely transform your real estate business with ads if you use it well. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your real estate business to new heights!

IOS 14 Updates

Sometime in 2021, Apple released a HUGE update that had significant impact on Facebook and Instagram Ads. Luckily, I covered every single thing you need to know in other to stay informed. In this module, I cover all the changes that have come to the Facebook platform, how to get your Ad account compliant to the IOS 14 update, how to fix any IOS related error that comes up, and much more!

But that’s not all!!!

I created a new module called FAA Vault where you would learn things like;

  • {Recently Added} My Facebook & Instagram Ads Safety Blueprint. This is the exact system I use for all my accounts and my client’s accounts to keep our accounts from being banned!
  • {Recently Added} My Mini Ads Magic workshop that got over 1000 students in less than 15 days 
  • Everything you need to know about Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)
  • Best way to get touch with Facebook when you have issues
  • How to get your first 100 then 1000 Facebook Page likes
  • Ads Automation Rules
  • Scaling Your Ads (Master Class)
  • Top most converting Audiences
  • and much more...

Still not impressed yet?

My Ecommerce Module will walk you through the exact step-by-step process I used to make over hundreds of millions for my clients over the years.

  • Ecommerce strategies to grow your business
  • Advanced pixel integration for ecommerce, especially for carts and others (Setting up Facebook Catalog and Shop)
  • Dynamic Product Ads (so you can automatically promote your best performing products to the right customers at the right time - This was the method I used to hit hundreds of millions for my client in a year)
  • The right Audience to target to bring in consistent sales
  • Advanced Retargeting Funnel for Ecommerce
  • The right creatives to use to guarantee consistent sales (with examples!)
  • Emails Templates for your Ecommerce website (All the email templates you need to win your customers over and keep them coming back for more.)
  • The Magic behind a 250 million naira campaign
  • What you should do when your profitable campaign stops working (It's not what you think!)
  • and so much more...


I've got more for you! You Get These 3 Additional Bonuses Too When You Join Facebook Ads Accelerator Today!

Bonus 1
The Almighty Ad Rolodex

I’ve spent months compiling tons of best performing ads in different niches from Education to Ecommerce for you so use.

With this Bonus, you would be able to jump-start your creative juice to launch multi-million marketing campaigns. I’ve done the dirty work so you don’t have to! (N50,000 Value)

Bonus 2
All Targeting Options

A complete list of targeting options available on Facebook + 10 weirdly specific targeting options you never knew existed. Not only that. I would show you two tools I use for researching Facebook interests that are not available manually!

You no longer have to tear your hair out trying to figure out which interests to target!... I’ll show you exactly how to do it with this step-by-step lesson! (N50,000 Value)

Bonus 3
My Ads Checklist:

This checklist is an extremely condensed version of this course that I use anytime I want to launch an ad.

The checklist walks you through everything you need to do to set up ads ranging from picking the right campaign objective to your pixel setup, audience and so much more. You never have to worry if you are doing the wrong thing again (N50,000 Value)

And there are even more BONUSES than the ones listed here!!!

You may be thinking at this moment this is a LOAD of information. You’re right. It is. I cover every single element you need to run profitable ads. I knew there was a lot to it, so I broke it all down into easy bite-sized chunks.  

The Audience Targeting module is a good example of this.  I start off with all the beginner techniques you need for getting started.  Then I expand into the more advanced principles for reaching your target audience.  If you’re just getting started, you may watch the whole module and only apply the 2 or 3 tactics to your safe beginner campaign.

Later on you’ll come back to that module again as you squeeze more and more traffic out of your market… and you drive your click-through rates to the bottom of the barrel rates.

This is the ONLY product I’ve ever seen with such a depth of usable profit enhancers.

If you are extremely motivated, you can be done with the entire course in a week. It is even possible to finish it in a day, though I would never advise that.

My recommendation is for you to spend 1 - 2 days per module.

I also grouped the course module by module so you can easily skip through any module you are already familiar with.

You can obviously go through this course at your own pace… but I think you’ll be surprised at how fast things start happening as soon as you start implementing what I show you.

Ready to join me? You’ve got Two Options

Option 1 - Self Study Program

11 Modules with over 100 Video Lessons(Videos, PDF's, Templates) so you can start running profitable Facebook & Instagram Ads campaign for yourself, your clients and even high ticket products. They are all straight to the point, no-fluff videos for you to easily digest, gain clarity and implement straight away (N500,000 Value)

All the Juicy bonuses above to help you hit the ground running! (N150,000 Value)

FAA Vault for instant access to exclusive content, resources, and updates that will keep you ahead in the Facebook advertising game. You will learn how to safely run Ads, grow your Instagram and Facebook pages, understand automation rules, and more (N150,000 Value)

My Ads Playbook so you can follow my tried-and-true strategies that have brought me success. You would learn the exact step by step process of structuring your ads campaign, whether you're working with a modest budget or scaling to adspends over ₦5,000,000 a month. (N200,000 Value)

Funnel Vault where I took a deep dive into the depths of sales funnels in this engaging module. You'll learn an array of funnel strategies for both digital and physical products, and service based businesses. (N100,000 Value)

Access to the Ecommerce module that takes you through all the strategies needed to make money from your existing Ecommerce business (N150,000 Value)

Overcoming iOS 14.5 Challenges - Get instant access to my IOS 14.5 masterclass where I walk you through every single thing you need to know about the new update and how to get your business compliant (N100,000 Value)

Scaling Your Ads (Master Class) - My never before seen scaling master class where I teach 6 different scaling methods I have used to go from $10 a day to over $1000 daily. Priceless!!! (N50,000 Value)

My Private Ads Calculators and Trackers - These are the exact trackers and simulators I use when running ads for myself or my clients that also helps me predict the kind of results to expect. It's a gamechanger when pitching an Ads service to a client - (N100,000 Value)

Lifetime access to all updates so you are always up to date on the latest algorithm and techniques needed to take your business to the next level. You will never need another course again! (N100,000 Value)

Inside a 250 Million Naira Campaign where I walk you through everything I did step-by-step from scaling the account to an adspend of over $5000 per month (N150,000 Value)

Certificate of Completion

and so much more!

Total Value: N1,750,000


Everything included in the self-study program so you can start running profitable Facebook & Instagram Ads campaign for yourself, your clients and even for high ticket products (N1,750,000 Value)

Private Coaching Group: Instant access to my private community so you can strategize and get direct help from me and other students that are killing it with Your Ads. This is PRICELESS. Everyone in this group is a paid member, so you can guarantee that you will be with other people that also made commitments to themselves and their businesses (N300,000 Value)

Monthly Coaching Calls: Every month, I host live coaching calls where I answer all your questions, whether it is business strategy or sales funnel setup specific to your niche/business. All these sessions are recorded and easily accessible so you can replay them over and over again (N500,000 Value)

Exclusive access to some of my Masterclasses: I record new Masterclasses a couple of times a year but as my Coaching student, you get exclusive access to some of them without paying an extra dime! (N200,000 Value)

and more!

Total Value: N2,750,000

But you won't have to pay that much...

Self Study


499 (₦200,000)

  • The entire Facebook Ads Accelerator course
  • All the Juicy Bonuses Above
  • Lifetime access to all updates
  • Access to Ecommerce Module
  • Inside a 250 Million Naira Campaign
  • Certificate of Completion
  • and so much more!


749 (₦300,000)

  • Everything included in Self Study PLUS…
  • Get access to my Private Coaching Group where you can ask unlimited questions.
  • I personally answer every single question from my students.
  • You would also get to see what others are struggling with, join in great conversations, and network with others.
  • Monthly Coaching Calls
  • Generous Q&A time during each session
  • Access to my Ads Troubleshooting Framework Course

Upgrading to this option later means you run a risk of an increased price. Most people get the additional support because facebook ads is not an overnight thing and it's way easier to do it with an active community than alone.

Self Study




  • The entire Facebook Ads Accelerator course
  • All the Juicy Bonuses Above
  • Lifetime access to all updates
  • Access to Ecommerce Module
  • Inside a 250 Million Naira Campaign ads campaign




  • Everything included in Self Study PLUS…
  • Get access to my Private Coaching Group where you can ask unlimited questions.
  • I personally answer every single question from my students.
  • You would also get to see what others are struggling with, join in great conversations, and network with others.
  • Monthly Coaching Calls
  • Generous Q&A time during each session
  • Access to my Ads Troubleshooting Framework Course

Not Ready? Book a call HERE to see if you are a good fit for my Ads Coaching Program

Don’t wait! Here’s what people are saying about me


I worked with Damola for my signature online course called Monetize your Knowledge. It is a course where I help people earn from the knowledge they have and Damola sat with me to create the launch. First of all he audited my existing platform and setup up campaigns to drive and convert people into sales.

I had a set target for ads and he completely crushed it. He achieved more than 170% of the target so if you would like learn how advertising works, you should definitely learn from him because he walks the talk and has proof of concept

Tricia Ikponmwonba Marketing & Sales Expert


He broke down Facebook marketing bit by bit. Even though I had been doing facebook ads for a while, there is this system I did not completely understand and he broke it down. I started implementing it and started getting results almost immediately!

If you are still on the fence and thinking about getting a course from Damola, he is just the best person for you to learn from. Damola is a genius and I want to say a very big thank you because he has always been available

Aransiola Damilola Chief Growth Officer at WhoGoHost


I'm not a beginner when it comes to internet marketing. I've made money in my sleep. I've started Google Ads at the beginning when it was new and nobody really understood its power but Damola's program opened my eyes to a lot of things I have never seen or done before and I'm super excited.

I'm also excited for all my friends who have used Damola and their results have transformed. Particularly the use of ads for automated relationship building. It's a game-changer. It's a life changer.

Oluwafemi Lawani IELTS Coach


Damola is your go-to guy for results. He isn't much of a fanciful words or documents guy.

The only language he speaks is RESULTS. And he speaks that language so fluently, you will hardly find people who can match him results for results or competency for competency around.

Joel Pereyi Experienced Marketing & Growth Strategist


Damola has helped us a great deal! He's got excellent web design skills but, more importantly, he recognizes that your website is worthless unless it's getting you customers. Damola has been aces at giving us advice for our marketing strategy, including funnels, landing pages, and email sequences

Alicia Brewer Online Marketing Strategist


Damola broke down FB ads for me and really made it simple to grasp. Before then my FB Ad setup was all over the place, I didn't have a good understanding of what I needed to do to move forward.

I can say that Damola gave me the confidence to own my FB Advertising and the results were astounding once I implemented what I learned. I'll recommend Damola to serious thinking Entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses online and are ready to put in the work. Damola is dependable and would roll up his sleeves to see you succeed but you have to be ready to show up too.

If you are thinking of investing I'll say get on with it. You should have invested yesterday but your next best time is right now!

Ajoke Emekene Business Consultant

How is Facebook Ads Accelerator Different?

This isn’t just another Facebook Ads course. I’m here to shake things up because there is a MUCH better way to do things in the Paid Ads industry.

Right now, everybody talks about unique targeting methods or specific funnels to use when creating ads.

The problem with that is, it creates some sort of tunnel vision and once you are in an industry that's unique or competitive, their method falls apart.

But what if you could have a coaching program that covers ALL the strategies you need for ALL industries? I’m actually the FIRST to take the time to put it all together because I have worked in tons of industries. From Ecommerce to Real Estate to Education to even the Music Industry!

My coaching program is a complete game-changer because:

  • You get direct access to me to ask any questions you have or issues you get stuck on
  • I use an automated relationship system that helps you convert your visitors into buyers. This means people are automatically finding out about you, getting to know you and easily making the decision to purchase your product and service.
  • You get 100% logical and straight to the point explanations, which are simple to follow and make learning a lot easier
  • You immediately get this 100% confidence to start running Facebook Ads on your own. Why? Because you would have access to tons of lessons that would literally take you step by step through the process of setting up your first Facebook Ads, optimizing it and scaling into millions. I show you how it’s possible to succeed with Facebook Ads.
  • Best part? You can use the techniques I teach in this course for ALL sources of traffic. Everything from organic to paid ads on other channels. That is how versatile my course is!

The result? A much higher success rate among my clients and students. I’ve found that everything above are THE important factors that would help you hit that goal you have always strived for.

My past clients say I’m their best-kept secret ;)

Are you excited? Because I am!

Unbeatable consistent results

5.8X ROI from one of my students in 30 days.

Who is Facebook Accelerator For?

  • You are a business owner and you’re ready to boost your business's sales with Facebook Ads or you are a digital marketer with facebook ads knowledge but is ready for exponential growth.
  • You want to or already offer Facebook Ads as a service but want to take things to the next level.
  • You need step-by-step guidance to scaling your business with Facebook Ads and you’re tired of hitting your head on the wall because you know the fastest way to get results is to get help from a professional who has already done what you want to do with amazing results.
  • You want to know the right way to structure your campaigns, right way to research and target the right audience, and also learn how to create effective ads
  • You’ve bought every Facebook course out there and tried everything from “secret targeting techniques” to the “perfect ad copy” with very little to show for it. It’s not really your fault these methods don’t work because these methods are focused on the wrong thing...
  • You're completely tired of burning your money on Facebook to get low quality traffic that does not convert into sales

Whether you are a beginner or you have been running Facebook Ads for years, you’ll still have tons to learn from Facebook Ads Accelerator, you would be getting everything from setting up a Facebook Ads account to advanced scaling strategies to start spending hundreds of dollars per day.

Even though Facebook is always changing their algorithm, I always update the modules and you get lifetime access to the updates!

So If you’re tired of jumping from solution to solution and still finding yourself in the same place you started, I’ve got good news! Facebook Ads Accelerator would be PERFECT for you. Unlike the alternatives you have tried, I can get you results because I practice the techniques in the course every day!

This is not for you if

  • You are someone who loves procrastinating. I’m looking for business owners and Facebook Ads enthusiasts who are action-takers, who do not keep second-guessing themselves and can make decisions that will serve and help them.

    You need to be an action-taker if you want to achieve anything in life and making millions with Facebook Ads is one of them!
  • You are looking for the next shiny object to try out. If this is you, you would end up buying my course and letting it sit on the shelf. While others are taking the course and using it to make millions online, it sits collecting dust while you continue searching for the next marketing gimmick to make money online. I would rather you don’t buy my course at all!
  • You expect to get instant results without putting in the work. It is just not possible for you to magically start making millions without putting in ANY work. For every successful ad out there, there are tons that got cut off because they were not working. If you would give up after trying to run a few ads, this course is definitely not for you.

I can say that with 100% confidence because I know that the fastest and most effective way to scale your business with Facebook Ads is to get my course. 


I'm not afraid to scare people away. I am perfectly fine with less students (but good and dedicated), than tons of people who are looking for results or get rich scheme without putting in the work

I’ve had story after story of my customers who made millions in record time… BUT they all have ONE common denominator - All my successful clients and students had an “I’m all in” mindset and were willing to help themselves and put in the work :)

Get Instant Access To Facebook Ads Accelerator!

Early bird price is ending soon! Lock in your early bird price
before it is gone for good

Who's behind Facebook Ads Accelerator?

Hey, I'm Oyekunle Damola! Facebook Ads Accelerator took me over 4 months to put together…

Here’s more about me and why I'm qualified to help you take your business to the next level with Facebook Ads.

  • Digital Marketing Consultant and Founder of Dptrax
  • Facebook Certified Media Planning and Buying Professional
  • Formerly Head of Digital Marketing - Jobberman and L5lab
  • Worked with multi-nationals where I’ve scaled campaigns worth thousands of dollars
  • Took an ecommerce company from N9 million per month to over N250 million for that year
  • Launched a campaign for a digital product that brought in over $12,000 in sales with less than $1,000 ad spend
  • Done over $400,000 in multiple launches for a single digital product.
  • Doubled website traffic in 6 months, going from 252,000 sessions per month to over 450,000 sessions using Search Engine Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Trained thousands of people on the exact strategies I've used to make my clients hundreds of millions

I've taken my time to combine every single thing I know about Facebook ads and have done for myself and my clients over the last 8 years and compressed it into FAA. I'm super happy to be able to share this knowledge with others to help them achieve the same level of success I have achieved. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

I have helped tons of clients and students in the last 5 years, and I know that my system works. But what if you feel the course is not right for you? Well, you are protected by my 30 days money-back guarantee.

I only have one condition. Simply watch all the lessons, follow my walkthrough and test my strategies...If you can show you did all the work with no results...just let me know and I would happily refund every penny you paid for the course.

I know this is not one of those blanket no questions asked money-back guarantee where you can buy the product and ask for a refund after just one day to complain that the program is not for you. This was a debate I had with myself for the longest time, but I realised I would be doing you a disservice.

If you are planning on getting the course and refunding, you should not bother buying the course as it’s not just right for you…

I know I would lose a sizable portion of potential students, but I'm fine with that :)

I only want people who are extremely motivated to enroll in the course, learn new amazing strategies and blow their businesses through the rooftops.

I only want super active people who are hungry for results.

I only want people ready to go through the entire course and put in the work necessary to get amazing results.

And that is why if you go through the entire course, implement all you learnt and somehow, it still does not work for you, I will gladly refund you.

P.S. This is a pretty intensive and detailed course. If you are looking for a course with 6 videos that would make you the next millionaire, this course is not right for you. I already have over 100+ videos and would add at least 30 videos before the year runs out. Using Facebook Ads to make millions is not “beans” :D

Get Instant Access To Facebook Ads Accelerator!

Early bird price is ending soon! Lock in your early bird price
before it is gone for good


Could you summarize everything that I’ll be getting today?

You will get 100+ video lessons organized thoughtfully into 9 modules, so you can easily hit the ground running no matter your Facebook Ads proficiency level. We are not even talking about the bonuses yet! These lessons took me 2 months to record and edit because I wanted to bring you something succinct yet instantly valuable.

How fast till I get results?

This depends! I cannot guarantee results for legal reasons - I can’t predict what you will do with Facebook Ads Accelerator. I can say this though - over the past 5 years, I’ve had tons of success stories from my clients and students in less than a month. Others took longer than that due to not implementing as soon as possible or getting distracted and not doing EXACTLY what I teach. My best students listen to my instructions and I've seen people get results in as little as 2 weeks. A student took what I taught in module 2 and got sales that same day!! That being said, if you want a really successful business, you can't cut corners. If you are not ready to put in the work, FAA is not for you 

Do you have a Payment Plan?

You can either pay in full (this is the most popular option that gives you the best value as you save money… Or you can make use of the payment plan. You can chat me up on Instagram to get it setup for you 

How much time do I need for this?

A little progress each day leads to big results. If you have 1 hour a day, you will do great!

1 month from now, your life could be so different if you got started today, right? ? You don’t want to be stuck in a situation years from now where you are still in the same place you currently are - e.g. getting nothing done

In fact, Facebook Ads Accelerator saves you time as you aren’t running around like a headless chicken, not knowing how to grow your business with ads.

Instead, you’ll be confidently taking action on tasks that will bring you the best results - one baby step at a time.

Why? You would literally get the step-by-step process of creating your ads. What’s better than that!

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Yes, I do. As I said earlier, I only have one condition. Simply watch all the lessons, follow my walkthrough and test my strategies...If you can show you did all the work with no results...just let me know and I would happily refund every penny you paid for the course.

All the risk is on me!

Will this work for me?

There are two major categories of people my course would work for.

1. Business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who want to sell their products and services and are ready to get their hands dirty with Facebook Ads (Even if they have not run Facebook Ads before).

2. People who already run Facebook Ads but are stuck at a ceiling and need to break through. They are ready for exponential growth and ready to be seen as an authority in the Facebook Ads industry

If you intend to promote any niche banned by Facebook from advertising, my course would not work for you as I don’t teach the underground tactics of gaming the system. You can find out more about their ad policy here

How long will I have access?

How does unlimited access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as Facebook Ads accelerator exists - across all devices you own. Of course you would be banned if you are caught sharing your login details to other people (We can track your ip ?)

You also automatically get access to all updates I add to the course at no extra charge!

How easy is it to follow along?

I’ve created Facebook Ads accelerator to be as easy to follow as it can possibly get. If you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, you can follow along successfully and not be left out.

What kind of support can I expect to get?

I pride myself in providing the best support possible for all my customers. If you have any issues accessing the course at any time, you can email me damola [at] and I would get you sorted!

A personal note

Something very important.

A Digital Marketing Consultant made this course for business owners and anyone who wants to learn how to run Facebook Ads profitably

I actively run ads every day and reach thousands of people using Facebook Ads

All the strategies I have shared in the course (and will share) are the exact ones I use every day to get leads and generate sales for my clients.

There’s just one more thing…

I completely understand how overwhelming it is to learn how to use a new platform.

Every new thing you see seems so complex and like gibberish. It seems like there is way too much going on and you have to master everything to succeed.

Believe me, I understand

In fact, that is why I've created a course that won’t overwhelm you.

I don’t want you to take this course, learn a lot of contradictory strategies and then get bogged down with decision paralysis.

I took my time to create a very actionable course focused on strategies I have used to make my clients millions over and over.

I made every effort to make sure the modules, and lessons are easy to follow and implement.

If 100s of people around the world have been able to use Facebook to promote their business and make tons of money, WHY NOT YOU? You can do this, and by buying Facebook Ads Accelerator, you will gain access to all the resources that you need without having to struggle and keep hitting a brick wall.

I hereby give you permission to step up, take action, and say, “WHY NOT ME?” I CAN MAKE MONEY WITH FACEBOOK ADS!” Because you CAN do this! I’ve helped tons of business owners and students before you so you can too!

So if you are ready to completely change your life and your business with Facebook Ads…

... and you want to start to generate a steady stream of income like clockwork…

… it’s time for you to let me show you exactly how I use Facebook Ads every day with my own clients


This course and associated website are not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.

© Oyekunle Damola

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This course and associated website are not a part of the Facebook Website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this is NOT endorsed by FACEBOOK in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.

Disclaimer: I do not believe or encourage get-rich schemes. I believe in hard work and adding value to people. As stated by law. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions.

The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.